=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: maxlynch
Tags: ionicons, ionic, hybrid, mobile, font icon, font icons, fontawesome, shortcode, social icons, social media icons, svg icons, menu icons, free icons
Requires at least: 3.2
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 1.0
License: MIT
Add over 900 free and open source mobile, iOS, Android, and social media icons to your wordpress site with the only official Ionicons WordPress plugin built by the Ionic Team.
== Description ==
This plugin adds a simple `[icon]` shortcode for adding icons. For example, add the wonderful earth icon with `[icon name=ion-earth]`. You can
also use this plugin with HTML like this: ``
To add icons, use the shortcode in the editor or add the HTML right into your templates!
== Installation ==
1. Unzip the download package
2. Upload `ionicons` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. Use the `[icon name=ionicon-here]` shortcode in the editor, or use `` directly in your templates.